Project plan

Those stakeholders who have registered through this website will be informed of website updates, meetings and availability of (draft) documents.

Date (planned)            


4 June 2024

Start of the ESPR Preparatory Study and Impact Assessment support study for Professional Dishwashers

July 2024

Launch of the project's online platform and possibility for stakeholders to register

July to 6 September 2024

Online consultation of registered stakeholders to collect initial inputs on the scope (MEErP Task 1)

16 September to 15 October 2024 Online consultation of registered stakeholders to collect inputs on the markets, users, and technologies (MEErP Tasks 2, 3, 4)  

November / December 2024

Publication of draft MEErP Task 1 to 4 reports for comments


mid-December 2024 (t.b.d.)

First Stakeholder meeting on MEErP Tasks 1 to 4; afterwards possibility to provide stakeholder feedback to draft reports

June 2025

Publication of draft MEErP Task 5 to 7 reports for comments

June/July 2025 (t.b.d.)

Second Stakeholder meeting on MEErP Tasks 5 to 7

July to September 2025

Finalisation of the ESPR Preparatory Study for Professional Dishwashers; Impact assessment support for intervention logic.


July to September 2025 Conditional*: Draft of Working documents  

January 2026

Conditional*: Start of the Impact Assessment support study

November 2026

Conditional*: Finalisation of the Impact Assessment support study.

Contractual end of the ESPR Preparatory Study and Impact Assessment support study for Professional Dishwashers.

* Work will proceed depending on the conclusion of the Commission services that an Ecodesign and/or Energy labelling regulation is the preferred approach.